Tuning Japanese: the Driftmonkey

  View fullsize   The world of drifting is full of colourful characters, although you would be hard-pressed to find someone with a larger personality

Bionic Behemoth: 2015 Lexus RC-F

  “Staffer Rene gets his hands on the latest performance coupe to come from the Lexus stables — the Lexus RC-F, a 470hp V8 monster”

Pistons need not apply: REunion

As a tiny country at the bottom of the world, New Zealand has a very strong car community — one that thrives in all facets. This is especially

Will Hampton Downs finally be completed?

Is Tony Quinn New Zealand motorsport’s Bruce Wayne? It would seem so if the current rumours are true, and the VIP Petfoods giant has finally been successful in his quest

There is no place like Jambo

So that was summer aye? Gone in a blink of an eye, but there is no denying that the V 4&Rotary Jamboree was one hell of

Demon Energy D1NZ to return home

After three long years of battling councils, residents, resource consents, and abatement notices, the D1NZ team is finally able to return drifting to its spiritual home