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New Mustangs secured in 30 seconds
The nerves of Ford executives about releasing there “baby” were eased when the first 500 Euro-spec 2015 Mustangs were reserved within the first 30

Annual Holden Car Show exceeds last year’s funds for charity
View fullsize Back in March, the Holden Special Vehicles Club Inc, in association with Ebbett Hamilton, held the fourth annual Hamilton Holden Car Show

Careful calculations: 1998 Toyota Chaser Tourer V (JZX100)
View fullsize It seems that in recent times more and more of the cars in our scene are going to one of two extremes

Lay low it’s the Five-O
The 2014 V 4&Rotary Nationals marked a couple of cool milestones for the NZPC team, and not the kind you would expect. No, our personal cars

Dream. Build. Drive. The ETS Story
Nigel Petrie from Engineered to Slide is one of the nicest, and most humble, guys you will ever meet in your lifetime. The one-man

Alex Kelsey unveils the MC2
View fullsize If you’re home by 6pm tonight check out TV3 news to see the video footage of Alex Kelsey’s home-built rally car in

Shock Absorbers — what you need to know
In the third and final instalment of our ‘Back to School’ handling guide, found in Issue No. 209, our resident expert Gareth Court takes a

Cam Vernon: taking it to the streets
With Targa North Island kicking off in Auckland today, there will be one driver in the mix not searching for every last split second.

Wheel alignment and how you can use it to your advantage
How movement affects your static alignment Whenever the vehicle moves forward, the friction of the tyres on the road will place a load

Three Mazda 767B videos to blow your speakers with
With the NEWS that one of the three Mazda 767Bs built for the 1988 Le Mans (sister cars to the legendary 787B) are heading to Sydney for

Going the distance: 1987 BMW M3 (E30)
To make a car run 10 laps is easy, but to run it for three hours straight is a whole other game

Ken and Mary: Leighton Hamlin’s RB30DET C110
New Zealanders have long had a love affair with the humble Datsun automobile. For many years, and certainly ever since we staffers can remember,

Second-hand rotary engine buyer’s guide
We tap into the wealth of knowledge that PPRE’s head honcho Warren Overton has accumulated; in his 20 years working within the rotary industry,

Taka Aono and the flying 86
In a sea of 1000-plus horsepower drift cars, there is one driver who, year after year, shuns the changes the sport is going through in

Chris Forsberg drifts RB-powered 280Z (S30)
We all know our esteemed editor has a bit of a soft spot for old Zeds, so when this video of Chris Forsberg drifting