
Weekend Warrior: TE71 battler

    View fullsize 1980 Toyota Trueno (TE71)Name: John Franich // Age: 28Location: Auckland // Occupation: Panel shop foreman NZ Performance Car: Hi, John. TE71s are precious metal these

Cruise Mode: bagged E28

    View fullsize 1984 BMW 520i E28 Name: Heino Wendzich // Age: 25Location: Auckland // Occupation: Director, Autostance NZ Performance Car: Hi, Heino. How’d you come to own

Juxtaposition: wild 500kW STi

    When Brady Wild set out to build his ultimate track weapon, he didn’t want it to shout from the rooftops any time it

Build ups: Katayama-tribute RX-3

    We don’t just feature completed cars, sometimes the coolest stuff can be found in the under construction section. Meet the Mazda Factory Race

Weekly Motor Fix: Impure FD RX-7

The purists will be scathing of anything with an LS designation that has been fitted to an RX-7, and Steven nearly went down that route