
The nitty gritty of nano coating

The first thing anyone notices on our cars is the paint and its condition. Which isn’t always good, as in New Zealand it takes a

The awards: 2017 V 4&Rotary Nationals

Nationals is that date everyone in the car world works towards on the calendar, it serves as a great deadline motivator — especially two weeks

The Show: 2017 V 4&Rotary Nationals

  View fullsize Ah, Nationals. The one weekend a year when all car people subject themselves to a crazy 72-hour period of energy drinks and

Become a Mad Mike VIP

‘Mad Mike’ Whiddett’s Summer Bash is shaping up to be one of the biggest and best drift events ever to hit New Zealand shores, and

Cleaner combustion with CRC

  View fullsize While many fuels may include engine-cleaning additives, the fact is that these comprise a very small percentage of the total chemical make-up

No more Lexus V8?

Amidst the hype of Lexus unveiling its newest flagship sedan — the 2018 LS 500 — General Manager Jeff Bracken dropped a bombshell at the