
Building a Beetle on juice

No matter how much I like to think I have my finger on the pulse of anything happening out there in the import world, every

Waikato invasion: AutoFest 2017

Many people toy with the idea of curating their ideal car event, and some even put their money where their mouth is, but it’s a

The nitty gritty of nano coating

The first thing anyone notices on our cars is the paint and its condition. Which isn’t always good, as in New Zealand it takes a

The awards: 2017 V 4&Rotary Nationals

Nationals is that date everyone in the car world works towards on the calendar, it serves as a great deadline motivator — especially two weeks

Tuning Italy: Rally legend

“Letting the monsters of group b loose once more”  “This car reacts faster than I can think; it is impossible to keep up with it!”