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Yokohama World Time Attack: Kiwis take on the world
View fullsize Every year, our talented contributor Richard Opie makes the three-to-four hour flight to Sydney, Australia, to take part in the festivities around

Win with Teng Tools
Teng Tools, co-sponsors of our TV show, NAC Car Culture, have 18 prize packs up for grabs, and it couldn’t be easier to win one! Each

Link Flat Nats: New Zealand’s largest Subaru-only event
View fullsize It’s been eight months in the making, but boy was it worth it! Link Flat Nats, held between September 12–13, was

Thailand Street Metal: a local’s guide to the Thailand car scene
View fullsize Just as we thought we had a fair idea of what was going on in the automotive world, a Facebook page

Stray Bullet: kiwi-built time attack monster
“Mark McIntyre’s crazy-aero, 2JZ-packin’ time attack–specific Nissan Silvia came out of nowhere, and packs one hell of a punch” View fullsize HVAC and

Industry Insider: get the low-down on Battery Town
We talk to the industry experts in the automotive scene, so you can put faces to the names of the companies to approach for your

Yokohama World Time Attack Challenge: watch it live!
The Yokohama World Time Attack Challenge is the pinnacle of tin-top lap-timed racing — and to make sure you don’t miss it, we’ve got the

First look at Andy Duffin’s completed WTAC-spec FD
Yesterday saw a container loaded with four cars headed to the World Time Attack Challenge (WTAC) in Sydney. For one team, 3 Rotor Racing, it

Kat Benson to contest Yokohama World Time Attack Challenge
View fullsize Prowear NZ Superlap regular contender Kat Benson has been given the opportunity to take her Burgerfuel-sponsored Evo global, thanks to the team

WRX Premium: the fancy everyday rally car
View fullsize It’s always an exciting time in the NZ Performance Car office when we get given the keys to a late-model performance car.

Cruise Mode: a facelifted S14 built for a queen
We don’t only feature fully modified vehicles in NZ Performance Car magazine — the mildly modified get a look in too! It doesn’t matter what

Counter claims victory at Japanese Race Supplies Drift South
View fullsize Yay, spring, and with it comes round one of the South Island’s very own grass-roots drift event, the Japanese Race Supplies Drift

The Evolution showdown: tell us your favourite
View fullsize We thought we’d get the record straight and find out exactly what model from the potent Mitsubishi Evolution line-up is the most popular.

NZ Performance Car’s ultimate wheel guide
The saying that even a wheelbarrow will look cool on 17s is a statement that certainly rings true. But that originated back when wheels only

Ford GT: carbon fibre right down to the wheels
View fullsize Way back in January, we wrote about the awesomeness that is the Ford GT. Ford really did impress with the specs, design,