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Daily Driven: 1G-GE-powered TA22 Celica
View fullsize Owner: Sam McGillLocation: AucklandOccupation: Navy able marine technician (electrical) NZPC: Hey, Sam. You don’t see many people daily driving an old-school Japanese

Cruise Mode: Amy Frazer’s chick-built S15
View fullsize Owner: Amy FrazerLocation: Christchurch Occupation: Nurse NZPC: Hey Amy, great to see yet another extremely clean girl-built S15. How long have you

Two-hitter quitter: Turbo B18CR Civic sedan
“Daily driving a Honda is not an uncommon practice but, when it’s a boosted B18CR EK sedan throwing out 260kW at the wheels, that’s

Vitamin Circuit: Alex MacAskill’s SR20SR Coupe
“Alex MacAskill found the perfect cure for his hangover is a good dose of Vitamin C — vitamin circuit racing, to be exact” As a

Cruise Mode: Justin Pillay’s B18C-powered EG Civic
View fullsize NZPC: Hi, Justin. That’s a pretty rad Civic you’ve built — what made you choose a Honda chassis?Justin: It was originally my

S/I Champs Spotlight: Pure-porno C33 Laurel
View fullsize The drifting sessions were a popular part of the track day and what would drifting be without the presence of a Nissan

Everyday superhero: the lost DTM BMW E30
An icon of icons, the E30 M3 touring car is one of the all-time greats — and we’re lucky here in New Zealand that, on

2016 S/I Champs Spotlight: Kaido-racer 120Y
Among the hundreds of cars that had swarmed the grounds of Levels [Timaru International Motor Raceway], we couldn’t help but spy a lonely old Datsun

Cool combustion: water-meth injection
“We delve into the world of pre-turbo water-injection units to find out the great benefits this simple system can offer your engine” The search

SummerJam 2016: sun, skids, and solid vibes
Well, it certainly was a privilege to be asked to photograph this event by the organizers — they certainly know how to put on a

Daily Driven: big-bodied Honda Accord
We don’t only feature fully modified vehicles in NZ Performance Car magazine — the mildly modified daily drivers get a look in too! It

2016 S/I Champs Spotlight: Formula Atlantic-powered KP61 Starlet
As we mentioned in the track gallery/wrap-up post from the recent V 4&Rotary Nationals South Island Champs, the south has a firm grip on the

Building blocks: shed raiding at Force Motorsport
“We go inside Force Motorsport, home of New Zealand’s newest rally cars” Competing at the top tier of rally competition in New Zealand is not

The show: V 4&Rotary South Island Champs 2016 [Gallery]
The morning of day two left a lot of people understandably worse for wear, if not from the harsh sun from the track the day

The track: V 4&Rotary South Island Champs 2016 [Gallery]
For those that attended last year’s Nelson-located V 4&Rotary South Island Champs, you would have noted that the first day [Saturday] was a strictly drag-racing