By now a number of you will have perhaps grown tired of Ken Block’s Gymkhana series of videos, and we’ve selectively chosen on which to post and those to not. But one thing we’ve always hoped for in the back of our minds is that the king of fat-tongued shoes would repeat his antics in a more traditional environment — like rallying, in the desert, doing jumps and shit.

Ladies and gents, we present to you Terrakhana. Is it actually a paid advertisement by Pennzoil dressed up like a Gymkhana video? Yeah, sure. However we’re willing to let that slide on the account of the five minutes of desert shenanigans you’re gifted in return for some overt product placement. You’ll live, and your day will still be better off for it.
Block treats his rally-prepped Fiesta ST RX43 like it’s a trophy truck and gives it absolute hell through Swing Arm City, Utah — what else could you ask for?