It must be hard being the younger brother to a stonking great big five-litre V8 engine that needs no forced induction to make its brutal power and torque. This is the life of an EcoBoost owner — but not for long, as Ford has announced a performance package for the four-cylinder turbo EcoBoost engine.
After driving both the V8 model and the turbocharged model, we all agreed that the EcoBoost was great, but it wasn’t the V8, and it certainly didn’t make the same sort of power. The noise that the V8 makes at full noise is intoxicating, whereas the EcoBoost sounds like a modified vacuum cleaner.

Nonetheless, Ford could sway us with a bit more power, and that’s now an option. With an engine calibration (re-flash perhaps?) and a cold-air intake, the EcoBoost will produce an extra 19kW and 94Nm of torque than the base model. That’s a lot more torque, and, with the cold-air intake, a lot more noise — although we’re not sure the wssssshy noise that it’ll make is a good thing. Peak power will be 250kW and peak torque will be up to a whopping 529Nm — that’s huge!
With Ford in America releasing a price of $699 for this package, it’ll no doubt be around the $1000 mark here in New Zealand. The package will retain the factory Ford warranty if installed by a Ford Performance authorized dealer.
Still, cool boost noises aside, the V8 still gets our vote. Which would you choose? Let us know in the comments below.