When putting together any issue of NZ Performance Car, it’s always a balancing act between showing enough of each car, and fitting everything we want to within the 104 pages that the magazine is currently confined to. This means that we inevitably leave thousands of images out of each issue. Below is a small selection of some of my favourites from the last issue of NZ Performance Car — Issue No. 225.

Gary Morgan’s supercharged 2012 Subaru BR-Z

NIgel James’s trio: 1996 Chaser, 1986 Honda Civic, 1980 Honda Accord

Andrew Kitching’s 1972 Datsun 1200 Coupe

Toby Nikolas’s 1997 Nissan Skyline (R33)

Andre Finney’s RB26-powered 1992 Nissan Laurel (C33)

Round two of the North Island Endurance Series at Hampton Downs