Summertime is here and all across New Zealand people are packing up and heading away on holiday. Just in time to keep you entertained while at the beach, the bach, while lounging around on the back lawn, or on your jet ski, is the latest edition of NZ Performance Car magazine Issue No. 218. It’s complete with free 2015 calendar to ensure your wall is looking fresh all year long.

On the cover this issue we have CJC, or Circle Jerk Crew if you will. We met up with around 60 members of the car club to check out their vast selection of cars, watch some skids, and find out why they like to stir shit on the internet.

We take a look at the ENDLESS / IMS R35 GT-R endurance build. For those that love race-car engineering and tech, this is the feature for you. The IMS team were faced with a huge task when undertaking this project as the GT-R was never built to run for long periods; believe it or not this is one of the first GT-Rs in the world built for endurance racing.

Now that the dust has settled on Red Bull Drift Shifters, we take a look at not only the event, but the six international cars that made the trip down under. We put the camera where no public was allowed to go so you can check out the engineering (or lack of) packed into these machines.

The EF Honda Civic was never known for its looks, but what Ollie McChesney has managed to pull off with his time-attack build is something pretty special. Under the bulging bonnet you will find a K20a putting down 165kW to the front wheels. But it’s undoubtedly the wild aero that makes this Civic stand out.

We also check out a turbocharged Frazer 7, street FD RX-7, and supercharged Honda S2000. For the DIY types we look at removing and applying tint film and we check out some of the latest trends in America for those in need of some inspiration. After some more power on a budget? We look into the best upgrade turbos to come from OEM vehicles. This is but a small taste of what you can expect to find in this bumper edition of NZPC Issue No. 218, in stores from today and still only $10.
NOTE: We don’t own any of the wave photos. It’s only Chris being a nutter.